And Other Associated Families

If you have reached this page directly from a search engine, please start at the homepage:

The information contained on this web site should provide a good guideline for your own research.
However, as with any other information found on the internet, or published in family histories, genealogies, etc.,
it is up to you to verify the accuracy of any information you choose to use in your own genealogy work.
Source information is available upon request.

For privacy reasons, information on living individuals has been removed from the database using the utility gedliving.
Therefore, you may find that some of the family groups will be "incomplete" due to the omission of one or more living family members.

All Surnames in Family Tree



Please note:


Due to difficulties experienced in uploading this large family tree to the server, the database section has been rather out-of-date the last year or so.  We are currently looking at different formats for presenting the family tree data and will update this section when that has been finalized.  Meanwhile, please contact us for any questions, etc. ... and thank you for your patience!






Franks - Kaylor - Koehler - Leininger Genealogy

And Other Associated Families

This page created by Susan Franks Leininger 2002-2008